Triple Build: Butterflies!!!

Triple Build: Butterflies!!!
I recently posted a question on Instagram on what I ought to develop next. And the winner was obvious and unquestionable. Then, since it wasn't a choice, I constructed these three butterfly models. Why? My daughter, who had her match for two of these three, suggested that we make our butterflies when she wanted to do anything with me a day or two later.
Additionally, she is too cute for me to say no. It would also be cruel if I didn't include that final butterfly. As my daughter finished her two butterflies, I worked with her for a portion of the evening to finish the entire set.
Unfortunately, these three butterfly models—as well as the other butterflies other than the Monarch—have been discontinued. Given that these models could not have been selling well, I can appreciate Fascinations' difficult decision to retire them. I'm also happy that they retained at least one of them. However, they are straightforward to complete and make excellent beginner models. Regular builders likely believed they were not worth the time, which could have been their downfall.
However, they are superb and colorful. I really like these, but the high-gloss finish on the color makes it a little difficult to picture. The matte finish they created in subsequent models could have been preferable. Additionally, I am aware that AnimateOrange has utilized these in his "Intro to Metal3dpuzzles" seminars at his neighborhood library. They are indeed fast builders. However, my kid seems to prefer them to the intricate structures I've done with her. She turns eleven this week, of course, and has an extremely short attention span because of ADHD (not the "oh, my kid is hyper, so they must have ADHD" kind).
Here is the most significant hint if you're still skeptical about how simple and quick these constructions are: there isn't an instruction sheet included. The packaging's back contains the directions. Really. That doesn't mean, however, that they don't have possible drawbacks; in fact, I'll write about a few here because they can be very annoying. Although I'm not sure how many people will really construct these butterflies in the future, these problems and traps are the same for all butterfly models. Even though their wing shapes and patterns vary slightly, they all use a similar construction method.
The most frequent issue with this model will arise when it comes time to fasten the wings to the body. The difficulty of correctly folding those tabs is the only issue here. By that, what do I mean? It is necessary to fold those tabs straight up and at the part's edge, which is much more complicated than it seems. Even for those who have made a whole bunch, folding tabs on edges like this is a frustrating task (ask AnimateOrange; I remember him expressing this annoyance in at least a handful of his movies). Additionally, the body's slots are oriented so that, when folded up, no tab should protrude from the edge; they must be folded up exceptionally tightly. However, you can slightly overbend the tab such that the tip is over the edge if you can get it very close to the edge without going all the way to it.
The purpose of all this commotion is to line those three tabs with the slots and fasten them firmly. When I'm having trouble aligning, I've discovered that it's easiest for me to align and slightly insert the two tabs on one side together. Then, I work to insert the single tab on the other side, using a hobby knife or the side of the tweezers to push the tab tip into alignment and slide through the slot.
On my first butterfly build, I threw myself into the other pitfall and gave it my all. And I attribute this one to the instructions omitting a crucial component that, in my opinion, ought to have been mentioned. Attempting to get the cursed Monarch Butterfly to balance on its feet was the most hilarious thing I've ever done. It kept toppling over backward, and I was unable to determine what I had done incorrectly. I finally got it to stand up after much tinkering, bending, twisting, and wrenching. Cheers!
A few months later, I was building the next butterfly and learned that you should twist the legs 90 degrees instead of folding them down, which made me feel like a complete idiot (even though I really shouldn't). After that, you can change the angle to the left, right, up, and down until it stands correctly.
One aspect of these models that I truly like is the small creative details you can choose for yourself. To what extent do you want the wings to spread or close? Should they be spread wide like they're flying or closed up like they've landed on a tree branch? Is a slight curl, a lot of curl, or straight antennae what you want? Do they have their heads down or up? That straightforward range of options allows each person's build to be unique.
I apologize for not posting any family images this time around; I have a plan to publish another post later that will show off all the butterflies together. Five of the butterflies had previously been constructed before these three, so the builds proceeded quite swiftly, taking about fifteen to twenty minutes apiece.