Build: Lighthouse Mod

The idea for this model change has been around for a while. I don't know how long it took, but I started thinking about it well before October 2018. I am aware of this since I considered a number of options before deciding on one, which I then began to carry out. Which I am only aware of since Tinkercad keeps track of the initial creation of 3D designs. In any case, to view the complete change, you must

Yes, I really am that insane. The damned light had to revolve. Because lighthouse lights do just that, however, I'll also offer you a full 360-degree view of the entire affair.

The Lighthouse model is a decent beginning model and is pretty straightforward. Additionally, there isn't much detail to photograph. However, I've also included pictures of the 3D-printed parts in case you're interested. In addition to a toothpick and the electronics. A toothpick, indeed. It was a practical fix for a little issue.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like the model. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it's an excellent, sturdy model. Simplicity has its beauty. In fact, I constructed this model a long time ago before creating the "stand" design in 2018. This implies that I am unable to speak directly to the build process. I apologize. However, I'll share with you how much fun I had figuring out how to turn it on and let the light spin.

I am by no means the first person to add light to this model, of course. Although I haven't seen one yet, I might not even be the first to add a spinning light. However, I have to give those forerunners credit for even considering adding a light. Although I thought the idea was fantastic, I wasn't sure if I could make it any better, apparently, because I enjoy torturing myself.

How to turn it was the first issue I attempted to solve. I wanted it to be "cool," seamless, and automatic. No motors I looked at turn that slowly; anything that does is most likely using reduction gearing. I then considered wind-up toys. In order to disassemble it and see whether I could recycle it into a driver for the rotation, I even purchased a cheap one. Although it appeared extremely difficult and unlikely to be highly dependable, I could. Hehe. I ultimately chose to make it something that was rotated manually, by hand, in conjunction with the following challenge I will talk about. Only later did I understand that I could change my design to be turned by the official Fascinations Solar Spinner's square driving head, which I just so happened to have!

What was the next obstacle, then? Adding a light wasn't the obvious solution, though. Using my standard solution, a cheap LED light from the neighbourhood dollar store, I had done that to a few other models. But not my typical tea light. Since tea lights frequently flicker and a clip-on reading light was more directional, I chose to use one. It also had small cells and a more substantial switch. This was necessary for the builder's next primary task, which was to supply electricity to a spinning light.

Yes, but how can you connect a revolving light without tangled wires? The answer is to rotate the battery, switch, wiring, and housing—everything you need to power the light. Actually, there is another solution, but I wasn't familiar with it. In essence, it is a bearing having continuous electronic interactions between the layers during rotation. Doesn't that sound pricey? Yes. As an alternative, I made my stand so that it supported the light and held a sizable circular module that held the switch and battery. It had to fit beneath the base, though.

I measured the model base, the gap in the lighthouse's base, and the opening between the tower and the windowed area at the top where the light turns and shines. That undoubtedly has a term, but I'm not familiar with it. In addition, I measured the batteries that would power the light, the switch housing, and the switch's travel distance. After that, I started working on creating a 3D printable platform that would meet the specifications of this wacky concept.

Fortunately, I had access to the 3D printers in a public maker space in my area at the time (after receiving the appropriate training). As I adjusted the dimensions, added support for the Solar Spinner, and addressed friction concerns, I went through multiple versions. Between redesigning, setting up a printing time, and printing the components, it took me about a month. At some point in November 2018, I completed printing the pieces. Then... Every other time I did the lighting, I was able to use the existing wiring, so I knew I had one last obstacle to overcome. This time, not so much.

Since then, the mod sat there, unfinished. The idea of going to the maker space and asking someone there to teach me how to solder electronics kept coming to mind. I considered asking my father-in-law, a skilled electrician with experience in minor electronics repair and requesting that he either do it for me or show me how to do it. However, he ultimately relocated to a different state. Additionally, the makerspace was only accessible during the hours I was expected to be at work. A 3D print could be started by me coming in early in the morning, and I could pick it up after work. However, I never thought I'd have the time to sit down and learn how to solder. In addition, there were other issues in my life that made it challenging.

Those two things never came to pass. Instead, I recently started another electronics project here that would be much simpler if I could do a little soldering. I'll go into more detail about that project later. I decided to buy a soldering kit and, with the help of YouTube, sat down to "teach myself" how to do it. After that, I worked on wiring up the electronics for a while last week without destroying anything. And it looked even better than I had anticipated. How, as the light spins, the shadows in the "cage" surrounding it shift. I adore it.

Because, well, enough wasn't enough. To record the movie without the intense lights required to turn the spinner, I wired a "battery pack with switch" that I had put together. However, I do not advise doing so because it is not actually made to be altered in that manner. LOL.