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The Modelling News RSS Feed

15 Feb When Things Go Wrong?
0 69
When Things Go Wrong? Never do I make the same error twice. I typically do it a dozen times or more. And that's the truth of creating Metal Earth models: errors do occur. Only a tiny percentage of my ..
18 Feb Review Build: Targaryen Sigil
0 41
Review Build: Targaryen SigilSome of you may be surprised to hear that I have never seen Game of Thrones, and I have no intention of doing so. Considering how much I enjoy fantasy and dragons, it seem..
30 Jan Build: Monster Truck
0 39
Build: Monster TruckSome builds are successful. Not all builds do. One of the latter was the Monster Truck I built. The outcome came out very good, however I am solely responsible for the aspects that..
19 Feb Review Build: Hogwarts Express (ICONX)
0 32
Review Build: Hogwarts Express (ICONX)Whoa. Fascinations sent me this model to review a while ago, and I finally got around to it. It is also significant, shining, and beautiful. I regret not building..
17 Feb Review Build: 1910 Ford Model T
0 32
Review Build: 1910 Ford Model TMy son comes over to see what I'm doing as I begin to assemble this gorgeous 1910 Ford Model T. After I just made the same model the other day, he asks why I'm creating ..
18 Feb Build: Droid Depot L3-37
0 46
Build: Droid Depot L3-37I should follow up the K-2SO construction with my other favorite Star Wars droid, Elthree, even though I didn't plan this. Although I am aware that many people like to criticiz..
Showing 73 to 78 of 78 (7 Pages)